Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Townscape: Puy leVeque, on the river Lot, France

Puy l'Evêque is a town on the banks of the river Lot(France). The townscape with the mountain backdrop gives a great panoramic view especially from the other bank of the river from where the photo was taken. I was inspired by the view at first sight, but after doing a sketch I realised how complicated it is as a subject. So many buildings, trees, bushes, the river and the reflection, you name it. So I went in for a grand scale simplification, confined to fewer colours, one small area at a time, took long to complete, just when I thought it is done, realized I forgot the two top left hand trees and the backdrop mountains! It is done now and I am happy!
52cm x 48 cm Bockingboard 200gms rough and SAA paints.
C&C welcome!

Here is the panoramic photo I took:

Here is the painting:


  1. appa, excellent critiques this time! keep up the good work! these kind of scenes suit your style.

  2. Srich, thanks.
    Jan, thanks for stopping by!
    Thanks Sarju, I am happy you liked the painting.

  3. I love it! especially what you did with the sky. also enjoyed the bridge you sent under separate email. Keep at it! Nicole Moniwue
