Monday, 1 March 2010

Village Street

Trying to get out of a painter's block! Was unable to focus on anything! Forced myself to do something not too demanding to break the deadlock. This is from a reference photo from our visit to India (Tamil Nadu) last year. We were coming out of an ancient Amman temple (Goddess Periyanayaki) which was adjacent to the famous Darasuram temple near Kumbakonam and this street beckoned us. The blaring sunlight made us squint our eyes becasue the temple precincts from where we  were stepping out were poorly lit and were rather dark. So what struck me in this was the sunlight which I tried to portray as the main attraction in this effort. Made on Arches Rough surface measuring  20"x14".
Comments welcome! Thanks for looking!


  1. Amongst the `India Pictures, I should say this is one of the best..Even the minute details like the `twin leaves'on one of the walls is visible.
